Art is a broad spectrum of human activities which involve artistic vision and an attempt to express beauty, technical skill, aesthetic beauty, emotional ability, or other conceptual thoughts. This may include paintings, sculptures, film or literature, dance, music, and architecture. Art develops out of the creative human interaction with its environment, with the help of the senses and with other human beings. It may have spiritual, political, technological, and psychological importance.
Architecture refers to the arrangement of furniture, structures, and spaces in buildings. Arrangement of furniture usually refers to the placement of chairs, couches, tables, and other similar arrangements in relation to one another. This could be a form of artistic creation as well. Architecture makes use of different kinds of materials such as bricks, stones, concrete, and wood. The construction of a building may also include the use of technical innovations such as plumbing, electricity, heating, and ventilation.
As art, architecture has the following broad definition. In the broadest sense, architecture can be seen as a human design or creation which utilizes physical structures to create visual spaces and other types of significance. In this broad sense, architecture can be viewed as form, whether it is a structure or a building, a product of human interaction, or a system of knowledge and values. In more narrow terms, architecture can be defined as the arrangement of people, things, and ideas in specific ways.
ARTS include theater, opera, dance, visual arts, music, architecture, paintings, sculpture, photography, motion graphics, computer graphics, television, and video games. ARTS are now being developed and produced for many different purposes, including entertainment, education, business promotion, and environmental conservation. For the purposes of entertainment, arts and crafts can be adapted to a number of special purpose applications, including stage play and film production. For education, visual arts and crafts may be used to teach reading, writing, history, math, science, and other subjects.
For business promotion, art can be used as an educational tool to promote a specific business or organization. Businesses often commission individual artists to create art pieces that promote their business, and these works are often displayed on company buildings, in lobbies, at trade shows, and in other public areas. In other cases, businesses and organizations may work with art consultants to create museum exhibits, promotional posters, and other collateral that promote their company and advertise their products. In some instances, businesses may hire professional artists to create distinctive painting and photographic designs for their office, warehouse, store, factory, or production facilities. And in yet others, art may be commissioned by government agencies and used to beautify government buildings and courthouses.
But when it comes to the definition of art, it must always be remembered that there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to defining what constitutes the different forms of arts. Each definition of art that is created has the purpose of trying to describe and separate the beauty found within all things. As the definition of art evolves over time and differentiates between the different forms of art, it is important for artists, critics, educators, and everyone involved in the art world to remember that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. While there may be generalities, the true beauty found within each work of art is subjective, and not defined by a strict set of rules that can be proven guilty or innocent by one person viewing the work. So the next time you hear someone refer to an artwork as “beautiful”, remember that they are merely referring to their personal opinion of the work of art. It doesn’t mean that a work of art is not beautiful; it simply means that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!